All Community created Funds

Help children from three schools participate in STEM fairs Fund
0 nonprofits
Help children from three schools participate in STEM fairs Fund
Подкрепи ученици от три училища да развият свои STEM проекти и да участват на научен фестивал през учебната 2023-2024 година! За провеждането на Sci-High клуб и фестивал в едно училище през учебната 2023-2024 година е необходима сумата от 7000 евро. Общият бюджет за три училища е 21 000 евро. Твоята подкрепа може да го осигури. За осъществяване на клуб Sci-High в едно училище оргазаницията: - обучава 4-ма учители за модератори на клуб Sci-High (обучението има за цел да ги запознае с иновативната методология, която използваме в Sci-High и която могат да използват като допълнителен инструмент в преподаването си) - предоставя готови разработени уроци за провеждане на клуба през учебната година - осигурява допълнително заплащане на 2-ма учители за провеждане на седмични сесии на клуба в училището и организация на училищен фестивал в края на учебната година - осигурява материали на учениците в клуба, за да построят своите прототипи, кампании, симулации - на всеки ученически отбор осигурява подходящ ментор от съответната научна област - подкрепя практическата насоченост на решенията като координира с училищния директор, институции и организации различни инициативи и дискусии - организира и заплаща транспорта на отборите до националния фестивал Sci-High в София, където на края на учебната година се състезават всички отбори, завършили успешно проектите си - подкрепя участия на отборите с техните Sci-High проекти в други състезания и олимпиади. (Две години подред ученически проекти от Sci-High клубовете вземат награди от състезанието SuperSTEM. През последната учебна година 2022/23 един от отборите взе награда от фестивала Fission на Американски колеж, а техен участник спечели Златен медал в предварителния кръг на международната СТЕМ олимпиада). Много от иновативните образователни проекти и инициативи са концентрирани в София и в частни школи. Ние вярваме, че децата в цялата страна имат потенциал, затова нашата цел е да имаме присъствие на място в училище и да покриваме повече области и конкретно такива, които имат по-голяма нужда от това. Тази учебна година фокусът ни е област Хасково. През 2023 година резултатът на Хасково на националното външно оценяване (НВО) в 7ми клас е 48 точки при среден за страната - 55 точки. Областта се намира на 18то място в страната по общ резултат от изпитите по БЕЛ и математика.
🐄 Support ISKCON Cow Protection: Preserving Life, Honoring Tradition 🐄 Fund
1 nonprofit
🐄 Support ISKCON Cow Protection: Preserving Life, Honoring Tradition 🐄 Fund
Dear Friends and Animal Lovers, We are reaching out to you today with a heartfelt plea to join us in a noble cause that transcends boundaries and embodies the essence of compassion and respect for all living beings - the protection of cows. 🌾 Why Cow Protection Matters 🌾 Cows hold a unique and revered place in many cultures worldwide. Their protection is more than just an animal welfare initiative; it represents: ✨ Environmental Harmony: Cows play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture, nurturing the land and enriching our ecosystems. ✨ Ethical Compassion: Protecting cows reflects our shared responsibility to treat all creatures with kindness and dignity. ✨ Cultural Heritage: Cow protection preserves age-old traditions and values that resonate through generations. 🤲 How You Can Make a Difference 🤲 Your support for cow protection can make a significant impact: 🌿 Animal Welfare: Your contribution directly supports the well-being and care of these gentle animals. 🌱 Sustainable Farming: Promote eco-friendly and sustainable farming practices that benefit both cows and the environment. 🌼 Community Unity: Cow protection initiatives often foster a sense of community and shared responsibility. 🙏 Join Us in Nurturing Cows and Communities 🙏 Together, we can create a more compassionate and sustainable world where cows are protected, revered, and cherished. 🌐 Get Involved 🌐 Donate: Your contribution will help provide food, shelter, and medical care for cows in need. Volunteer: Join us in our cow protection efforts and experience the joy of hands-on service. Raise Awareness: Share our mission with friends and family to inspire others to join this vital cause. Visit to learn more about our cow protection initiatives and make a donation today. Together, let's nurture and protect these gentle souls who have been our companions on this Earth for centuries. Thank you for your compassion and support.
Art therapy for young people with intellectual difficulties Fund
0 nonprofits
Art therapy for young people with intellectual difficulties Fund
Project Northwest Foundation (Проект Северозапад) is starting a campaign to support young people with intellectual difficulties through art therapy and scholarship. The money will be used to buy materials, to hire teachers and provide scholarship. You can find more details here: The message from the foundation: Здравейте, предстои ни кампания в покрепа на нашата Арт работилница СЕВЕРОЗАПАД. В нея терапевтична подкрепа и занимания получават младежи с интелектуални затруднения, израснали в институция. За тях, ежедневните занимания в работилницата са възможност да придобиват умения, самочувствие. Те живеят изолирани, нямат на практика друг контакт с външния свят. По-голямата част от тях са поставени под запрещение, което означава, че нямат право на собствени решения, собствен бюджет, самостоятелно придвижване и т.н. Работата в работилницата и с нашите колеги им позволяват да имат пълноценни преживявания, контакти и среща с хора. За тях организираме посещения на събития, изложби и други. Можете да видите изработени от тях продукти. Средствата са ни необходими за осигуряване на арт терапевт, за организиране на тяхна изложба, за закупуване на материали. Когато преди 5 години започнахме да работим с тях, те бяха неуверени, нямаха умения да общуват. Днес те участват в различни базари, презентират своите произведения. Частично успявае да покриваме разходи от продажба на техни продукти, като 30% от средствата се използват за осигуряване на стипендии за тях. Това е линк към фейсбук страницата на работилницата:
Help Educate Women & Girls in Afghanistan Fund
0 nonprofits
Help Educate Women & Girls in Afghanistan Fund
Since August 2021, the Taliban banned education for girls above 6th grade in Afghanistan. This put a stop to school projects in the region led by Sahar. Instead of giving up on the girls of the region, we have embraced new ways of working with local teachers and organizations to improve equity for girls in Afghanistan through multiple programs in partnership with local organizations. Current programs focus on literacy, computer skills, English, women's empowerment, sewing, and coding! Education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to everyone, regardless of gender. However, in Afghanistan, women and girls have faced numerous educational challenges. Helping to educate women and girls in Afghanistan is a matter of equal rights and a critical step toward building a brighter and more inclusive future for the country. Investing in girls' education can empower them to become leaders, change-makers, and community contributors. Providing educational opportunities to Afghan women and girls can also have a ripple effect, as educated women are more likely to marry later, have healthier families, and be active participants in the workforce. Furthermore, education can play a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty by equipping women with the skills and knowledge needed to secure better job opportunities. Our moral duty is to support organizations and initiatives working tirelessly to educate women and girls in Afghanistan as they strive to overcome societal obstacles and create a more equitable society. Together, we can help create a world where all individuals have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to the betterment of their communities.
Sport for Teens in Risk Fund
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Sport for Teens in Risk Fund
The Small Group Home for young children in Lyulin (Sofia, Bulgaria) was established as part of a project by a non-governmental organization in collaboration with Sofia Municipality. It comprises an apartment where children ranging from 5 to 12 years old are accommodated. All of them have some form of illness or mild disability, and their families are facing difficult socio-economic circumstances, making it challenging for them to provide adequate care. The children are looked after by a social worker and women who are with them around the clock. These children have now grown older. The oldest girl is 19 years old and attends high school, while the others are teenagers. The only boy among them, the brother of the 19-year-old girl, is 9 years old. Presently, three girls and three teenagers reside in the Lyulin apartment. They attend school and participate in a therapeutic workshop at the "Hedgehogs" Center, which is also overseen by our organization. Through donations, we provide them with opportunities for vacation and variety - every summer, they have the chance to visit the sea and the mountains. The sea, in particular, is their most cherished destination. These young individuals possess diverse interests, and it is our responsibility to offer them extracurricular activities that they find enjoyable, activities that will contribute to their personal growth and well-being. Thus far, we have identified several fitting activities that align with their interests, such as drumming in the Rhythm Workshop, dancing, swimming, soccer, theater, and more. To facilitate these activities, we require funds to cover participation costs, as well as expenses for transportation and an accompanying staff member. Within the Center, there is a woman who cannot leave due to her responsibilities in meal preparation, cleaning, and ensuring the children's attendance at school. An African proverb aptly characterizes our situation: "It takes a village to raise a child"! Through your support, we aim to provide our teenagers with their preferred sports and activities, enabling them to develop their skills, fulfill their potential, and experience well-being and happiness. Financial Goal: $4,000 USD (for one year, covering sports and engaging activities for leisure time for 6 children).
Professional Support for our Children with Disabilities in Bulgaria Fund
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Professional Support for our Children with Disabilities in Bulgaria Fund
The purpose of this fund is to continue providing professional care and support for 10 children and youths with severe disabilities. We have attracted to our side the best kinesiotherapist (Rada) in the city of Ruse, Bulgaria with enormous experience. She is a teacher at the University of Ruse and has known some of our young people for 15 years. We would like to ensure her support and care for our children and youths with severe disabilities for another 12 months (for 2 years we received donations for her, as the municipality/state do not ensure her work). This is not just a fad. This is an opportunity to observe the children in their everyday life, in their usual environment. In this way, the postures that are most favorable for them are discovered, and the movements that are possible for them, as well as those that they can be encouraged to do, are outlined. An example of Rada's work is with Miss Violetta - The condition at the beginning of rehabilitation a year ago was difficult. Violeta has severe thoracic kyphosis, frequent nervousness, and insomnia. Standing up made her nervous; she couldn't walk, and she had a panicky fear of being in a different position. Now she fully cooperates during the rehabilitation activities: she can walk, sit independently and safely. She likes physical activity, it calms her down and brings her happiness, which can be read in her expression. We can say that she is making huge progress in her development – she plays fit-ball and likes to push a wheelchair, and during these exercises, she receives instructions that she understands. The results that are achieved are exceptional, not because we make miracles at the center, but because the real existing opportunities for the development of each child are used professionally. Through your support, we will continue to provide professional care for children and youths with disabilities so that they can develop their skills and reach their full potential, feel good, and be happy. Financial goal: 7000 USD (1000 BGN per month or 12 mounts professional support)