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Making the World a Better Place Fund


Just a few of my personal picks

Your Donation Supports

Mission Edge San Diego

We invest in social interest organizations through finance, human resources, fiscal sponsorship and social enterprise services so they may do more good.

Center For Disaster Philanthropy

Mobilize philanthropy to strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur.

Equal Vote Coalition

The Equal Vote Coalition is the driving force behind STAR Voting, an innovative voting method for more fair and representative elections. With STAR Voting voters use a 5 star ballot to show their preference order and level of support for the candidates. STAR Voting eliminates vote splitting and the spoiler effect, empowering voters and encouraging more positive campaigning, which in turn leads to more fair and representative elections.STAR stands for Score - Then - Automatic - Runoff, and that's exactly how it works: You score candidates from zero (worst) up to 5 stars (best). Your vote automatically goes to the finalist you preferred between the two highest scoring candidates, so even if your favorite can't win, it's safe to vote your conscience without worrying about wasting your vote.

Asia Wild

I wish there were some alternative that didn't do political advocacy, but all animal welfare groups engage in that to some degree. They still do good work on the whole.

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity

Project Prevention protects children from the earliest form of child abuse. Our mission is to reduce the number of substance exposed children born in the United States to zero.

Making the World a Better Place Fund

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